Everything Out There


Everything Out There, from the series Everything Out There, 2004.

About the series

Everything from outside is the question, the undefined object, the diffuse wish.

The body is the limit and this limit is the only certain thing.
These are empty moments, there is no event whatsoever, everything is circumstance.

Sometimes the conviction is to play the game indefinitely. The contact of one body with the other is the only reference, there is no reliable surrounding, the balance is precarious, the surface of support abandons, the other one lets go.
The force of gravity hides somewhere and the anchor is the conflict.

Like in the hours of insomnia, there is no landmark to draw the path.
And so things are … someone sings to himself as support, so that the echo sets the limits of everything that is inside.
Everything from outside, irremediably, remains outside. Inside is the abyss and desire, the crackle of anxiety and a song of consolation.


Video still.


Everything Out There, A Gram of Dust, The Surface Won't Loose, from the series Everything Out There, 2004.


Everything Out There

Video installation | Variable channels and devices. DV video. Stereo sound. Variable dimensions. 6′ 11″ in loop. 2002


Video still.


Video installation | Single channel. Black tulle screen. DV video. Stereo sound. Variable dimensions. 11' 9" loop. 2004

A Gram of Dust

Video installation | Variable channels. DV Video. Stereo sound. Variable dimensions. 14′ 29′′ in loop. 2004

The Surface Won't Loose

Video installation | Variable channels. DV Video. Stereo sound. Variable dimensions. 19′′ in loop. 2004

Black Abyss in a White Landscape

Video installation | Single channel. 12″ monitor. DV video. Stereo sound. Variable dimensions. 7′ 59″ in loop. 2004

Marsh (Structure)

Intervened Photography | Lambda and gouache printing on photographic paper. 2005

Marsh (Succession)

Photography | Lambda and gouache printing on photographic paper. 2005


Los vencedores y los vencidos. Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires. Curatorship: Ana María Battistozzi. Buenos Aires, 2014

Intersecciones. Tecnología, Naturaleza, Subjetividad. Galería Arte x Arte. Curatorship: Jorge Zuzulich. Buenos Aires, 2009

Casa abierta, open house. Embajada de la República Argentina. Curatorship: Gabriela Salgado. Londres, Reino Unido, 2006

Video Integracija – Video Integration. Belef Center. Belgrade Summer Festival. Project author: Gabriel Savić Ra. Spanish selection: Nora Ancarloa y Marga Ximénez. Belgrado, República de Serbia, 2005

El sutil vértigo de la imagen. Centro Cultural Parque de España. Curatorship: Claudia Laudano. Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 2005

Nunca Más/Never Again. Natalie and James Thompson Gallery. Universidad Estatal de San José. Curatorship: Graciela Smith. San José, California, Estados Unidos, 2004

Premio Mamba – Fundación Telefónica. Arte y nuevas tecnologías. Espacio Fundación Telefónica. Buenos Aires, 2002

Everything Out There
Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2004.