The Reverse of the Armor


Exuviae, from the series The Reverse of the Armor, 2021.

About the series

The Reverse of the Armour is composed of different cores: video, performance and objects in which the intangible luminance of the video image contrasts with extremely dense materialities.

Skin-like paper screens interact with stone slabs and iron structural materials.

En qué medida, como materia, somos penetrados o somos ajenos a los objetos y el entorno por nosotros producido. ¿Con estrategias de salvación cansadas que irremediablemente nos dejarán expuestas?

Al explorar cualidades materiales de plasticidad, resiliencia y fragilidad, con estados emocionales y psicológicos, se intenta indagar sobre nuestros recursos y capacidad de resistencia ante situaciones de extrema vulnerabilidad. Así, se busca visibilizar la tensión entre la inevitable rasgadura de lo que nos cubre y protege y el deseo de preservar su imagen e integridad intacta.

The video records the action of two women wearing treated tissue paper dresses. Different materials were applied to the paper in order to obtain nuances of touch and resistance, and thus manifest the tension between the inevitable tearing of the pieces and the desire to preserve them intact.

A partir del cruce de soportes y materialidades, se piensa nuestra integración como seres naturales con el entorno y la materia transformada.

Este juego de materialidades y el soporte con sus recursos formales y tecnológicos se evidencia como una poética en sí misma.

Video still.



Video installation | Three-channel on intervened tissue paper screens. 4K video. Stereo Sound. 4' 5" average in loop. 2021



Thus Our Own

Video installation | Variable channels. LED screens and double T-iron beams of 2200 x 420 cm. 4K video. Stereo sound. 2' 30" average in loop. 2021.

Video still.

The Reverse

Video installation | Single-channel. 4K video. Stereo sound. Variable dimensions. 1' 14" loop. 2021.

Video still.

The Armor

Object | Blacksiths's pliers tissue paper, linseed oil. 60 x 25 x 0.32 cm. 2022

Thus Our Own (photography)

Photography | Still of video. Inkjet printing on Hahnemühle paper. 47 x 24.7 cm. 2022

Neither I, Nor Body, Nor Instrument

Performance | 2021

In collaboration with Belén Parra, Amalia Tercelán and Lara Stilstein.


Premio Fundación Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat. Colección de Arte Amalia Lacroze de Fortabat, Buenos Aires, 2021



  • Performance: Brenda Guidetti y Teresa Sevilla
  • Choreography direction: Cecilia Bazán
  • Production and coordination: Mayra Ferreyra Basso
  • Production and assembly: Cecilia Paganini
  • Sound Design: Rocío Morgenstern
  • Costume: Belén Parra
  • Photographic register: Daniela Mac Adden and Juan Pablo Ferlat
  • Special thanks: CheLA

The Reverse of the Armor
Fundación Andreani, Buenos Aires, 2022.

Credits. Performance: Brenda Guidetti, Tere Sevilla, Cecilia Bazán. Production and coordination: Mayra Ferreyra Basso. Realization: Cecilia Paganini. Costumes: Belén Parra. Sound design: Rocío Morgenstern. Special collaboration: Juan Pablo Ferlat. Acknowledgements: CheLA.