

Buzzing (Dynamics), from the series Buzzing, 2010.

About the series

The coincidence, or better still the maladjustment between a cause and its effect.

Attach qualities in a certain temporary action.

The synchrony lightly displaced or fatally chained between intension and its result. An action: a consequence… the reversibility, the vicious circle.

Insistence, exercising an influence
o la frustración en este intento.

Of the purpose to nonsense, exasperation and irony, are issues that circulate by a simple action.


Buzzing (Faith) Detail.


Buzzing (Dynamics)

Video installation | Single-channel multi-display or three-channel. HD video. Digital animation. 5.1 sound. Variable dimensions. 3' 44" loop. 2010


Video still.

Dynamics I and II

Intervened Photography | Gliclée and graphite print on cotton paper. 29 x 110 cm each. 2011

Dynamics (Scenes)

Photography | Glyclee printing on photographic paper. 29 x 110 cm each. 2011

Never-ending Weave

Video installation | Single-channel. HD video. Digital animation. 5.1 Sound. Variable dimensions. 2′ 10′′ loop. 2010

Buzzing (Faith)

Video installation | Variable channels for 12′′ monitors. HD video. Digital animation. 5.1 sound. Variable dimensions. 6′ 5′′ loop. 2010

Buzzing (Faith).

Buzzing 1

Drawing | Graphite on magnani paper. 110 x 450 cm. 2010


Buzzing 2

Drawing | Graphite on magnani paper. 110 x 450 cm. 2010


Zumbido-Odisea invisibleMuseo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino. Curatorship: Horacio Zabala. Buenos Aires, 2014

Entre tiempos… Presencias de la Colección Jozami en el Museo Lázaro GaldianoMuseo Lázaro Galdiano. Curatorship: Diana Wechsler. Madrid, España, 2014

BuzzingFundación Alon para las Artes. Curatorship: Horacio Zabala. Buenos Aires, 2012

Naturalmente ArtificialCentro Cultural del Bicentenario. Curatorship: Graciela Taquini. Santiago del Estero, Argentina, 2012

Adquisiciones, donaciones y comodatos. Obras Malba-Fundación Costantini. Museo de Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA). Buenos Aires, 2009


  • Performer: Julia Edo
  • Technical collaboration: Juan Pablo Ferlat
  • Sound design: Luciano Azzigotti

Buzzing. Contemporary 26
Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA), Buenos Aires, 2010.

Silvia Rivas, Video installation
Paseo de las Artes, Palacio Duhau, Park Hyatt, Buenos Aires, 2017.